Sunday 27 May 2012

Priceless Tips For Finding The Perfect Basketball Shoe

What basketball shoe you wear is a crucial part of your game, especially at the competitive level.

Oh, sure you can play in any pair of tennis shoes but you risk the chance of sliding, being slowed down by weak grip or worse of all, injury. Competitive ball players take their basketball shoes very seriously. I know I do.

In today's market there are so many different styles of bball shoes. So how do you choose what's best for your game? There are a few important things to look for in your shoes. By nature, basketball puts a lot of wear and tear on your shoes. All the constant starting, abrupt stopping, high jumps and quick side-to-side movements really take it's toll.

So what do I look for in a basketball shoe? I'm glad you asked. The most important factors are durability, support, traction, comfort and for most ballers, style.

DURABILITY: Have you ever seen the movie "Like Mike"? Lil Bow Wow plays an orphan boy who finds a pair of magic shoes with "MJ" written on the tongue. He suddenly has super bball skills.

Anyway, in the most important game of the season "Calvin" drives the lane and gets fouled. When he gets up his magic shoes have completely fallen apart. Magic shoes or not you want to make sure that never happens to you.

Buy quality shoes. And yes, sometimes that means paying a little more.

SUPPORT: Different types of players require different types of support. Power players like "Shaq" need high tops with maximum ankle support and comfort. All-around players like "Kobe" or "T-Mac" usually will wear a midsole type of shoe and speedsters like "Iverson" wear low tops for light weight and non-restriction of the ankles.

TRACTION: Have you ever played on the hardwood floor of a gym that didn't clean the floors? Your slipping, sliding away and it's hard to cut and slice your way to the hoop. Wearing the wrong shoes can have the some results. You must be able to stop and start on a dime. Look for good traction on both the forefoot and the heel.

COMFORT: The goal is to find a basketball shoe that fits like a glove. You don't want your foot to be swimming in any area. Since the toes, arch and heel all have different needs for comfort, you want a shoe that provides comfort in each area and still provide the support you need for your type of game.

STYLE: And, of course , you gotta look good on the court. Whether you're wearing the "Jordan Retro", the "T-Mac 5", the "Air Zoom Kobe I" or either of the "Answer 1 - 9" pair of shoes, style is definitely key.

The bottom line is you must think of your shoes as an investment in your game. If you're looking to excel, then don't cheat yourself when it comes to your gear, especially your shoes.

The right pair will not only help you play at top level but most importantly help prevent injury. If you're hurt you can't play! So go get some quality kicks and get out there and play!

New Balance 993 Running Shoes Video

Saturday 19 May 2012

Beginning Runner: The Benefits of Water Aerobic Exercise

As beginning runners (or any runners for that matter! ), we often tend to stick to the one thing we know: Running.

And at Ordinary Runner ( we certainly believe EVERYONE should be a runner!

However, running does give us quite a pounding on our legs! Our joints and muscles are repeatedly shocked throughout the course of a run... And the more intense the run, the more pounding they take!

Cross training a day or two a week can work wonders!

What is cross training, you ask?

It basically means that you "cross over" for a day into another aerobic exercise area, instead of only running, in order to help prevent injury. (Or to recover after an injury! )

Don't get me wrong! Running, as we've stated before, is NUMERO UNO as far as aerobic exercises go! Nothing gets your heart rate going like a good run!

But running does give you a good pounding!

So lots and lots of runners take a day or two a week and cross train.

For cross training, you want to do another activity that elevates your heart rate, but doesn't pound you quite as much as running.

This gives your muscles and joints a rest, while keeping your heart going!

Cross training has some great benefits:

1) Gives joints, bones, and muscles a much needed rest, making them fresher for your next run.

2) Still increases your heart rate, so you still get a good aerobic workout even on the days you don't run.

3) Breaks the routine. (I mean, we love running, but sometimes it's just nice to do something else! )

So, what kinds of cross training are there?

There's riding a bike... But cycling can be expensive!

There are treadmills and elliptical machines at the gym... But the gym can be expensive, too, and one of the reasons we are runners is because we like the price!

Water Running

My recommended cross training activity is water running. It does take a one-time investment in an aqua jogger shoes or gloves (around $15-20) or an aqua jogging vest or belt (a $45-55 cost), but after that, you're good to go!

Just get in the deep water at your nearest pool, and run in the water. (It takes a little getting used to, but it's really very simple. In no time, you'll be water running with the best of 'em!

The health benefit of water running is big!

When you do your water running, your heart rate still gets up there (so you get the aerobic benefit), but your muscles get a rest from the pounding for a day.

So it's a perfect cross-training activity.

And just by doing water running, you're helping yourself prevent injury!

And if you're already injured (Let's hope not! But occasionally it does happen! ), water running is perfect for keeping your aerobic fitness up while your injury heals.

So, take some good advice on running for beginners! For all of you who love running and want to keep doing it for years...

... Water aerobic exercise, in the form of water running, is a great way to cross train and save your legs!

You'll be saving some of the miles in your legs for another day!

Click here for more information

Choose the Best Running Shoes - every time

Where To Find The Lowest Priced Womens Puma Shoes

Womens puma shoes incorporate innovative designs and make sports shoes fashionable.

Puma’s brand strategy is ‘to be the brand that mixes the influences of sports, lifestyle and fashion’.

Rudi and Adi Dassler began their shoe company in Germany way back in the 1920’s. After Rudi spent some time in a Prisoner of War Camp the brothers had a feud and split.

Puma Aktiengesellscaft Rudolf Dassler Sport which we know as Puma was created by Rudi and Adi went over to the other side of their town to build the Adidas empire.

In 1948 Puma launched their first shoe and it wasn’t until 1968 that the leaping cat logo was launched.

The most popular style ever created was the Roma in 1970 to celebrate the Rome Olympics.

Other famous products include Speed Cat, Puma Suede, Puma Sky II, Puma Anjan, Puma Mostro and Puma Basket.

Womens puma shoes continue to dominate the world because of their cutting edge and innovative designs and the element of style about them.

Shopping online for puma shoes not only provides you with the very best selection but the lowest prices and certainly the best value for your money.

For more information and where to find them visit the Womens Shoes Guru.

Click here for more information

Healthy Body = Functional Body. Hollywood Look Side Effect: Healthy Function